About Euroveiling
On 15 June 1900, a number of farmers and horticulture growers decide to join forces.
The cooperative association begins its operations in an auction hall in Brussels under the name Hallen der Voortbrengers (halls of growers). This is the predecessor to the current Euroveiling. Initially, half the members of the management council are grape growers and the other half are flower growers. In 1967 the cooperative moves to its current location in the Brussels’ municipality of Neder- Over- Heembeek.
These days, the Euroveiling only consists of plant and flower growers.
Since business continues to expand beyond Belgium, the company changes its name to Euroveiling in 1987. During the years that follow, the auction expands and specialises in the trade of flowers and plants. The company offers excellent services to growers and buyers, while charging only minimum commissions. As the only ornamental plant and flower auction in the country, Euroveiling is the main driving force behind the Belgian ornamental horticulture market.
In order to provide buyers and growers even better service, we are continually thinking about how we can improve the auction’s structure and auction process. In 2009 we invested in a brand-new buyer’s tribune to give buyers more options while improving the continuity of the selling process.
This positive desire to continually evolve ensures that Euroveiling will continue to remain a modern and competitive auction.
Euroveiling is the channel of choice for the direct sales of flowers and plants.
Euroveiling is a Cooperative Company managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of 10 members. These members are elected and appointed by the General Meeting for a term of four years, and among other things appoint a director. Every 2 years half of the members leave and at that moment new members can be elected to fill the vacancies. The conditions that candidate directors must meet for the election and replacement of the outgoing directors, the internal functioning and the rules that apply to decision-taking, are set out in the statutes.
Members of the Board of Directors
- Lissens Dirk (CEO)
- Albrecht Ben (Chairman)
- Du Bois Johan (Deputy Chairman)
- Hurtekant Koen (Secretary of the Board)
- Scheers Wim (Director)
- Verberckt Wilfried (Director)
- Van Der Smissen Sven (Director)
- De Kinder Jos (Director)
- De Proft Johan (Director)
- Moeyersoons Raf
- Peeters Johan
The Buyers Committee is a separate entity within Euroveiling consisting out of 13 members. The Buyers Committee is being elected for a term of 4 years. Every 2 years half of the members leave and at that moment new members can be elected to fill the vacancies.
The primary goal of the buyers Committee is to defend the interests of the buyers en to function as a sound board for the desires and concerns of the buyers, that are being discussed during the meetings with the management. The conditions that candidate members must meet for the election, the internal functioning etc. are set out in their own statutes.
Members of the Buyers Committee
- Guy Lowet - Les Architectes de l'Evénement (President)
- Benoit Mahy - La Roseraie (Vice-President)
- Pascal Cys - Cys Fleurs (Treasurer)
- Michèle Wackerghom - Le Jardin Japonais (Member)
- Nina Reynaers - Piazza Fiori (Member)
- Bruno Moretti - Cristaline (Member)
- Olivier A. Debry - Les Fleurs Dupont (Member)
© Euroveiling 2021. All rights reserved.